Academic Credits
Our Center is recognized by the Ministry of Education with a specific acknowledgement, and the Italian Language and Photography courses are recognized as educational activities by the Regional School Office, formerly the Provveditorato. All courses issue a Certificate of Attendance, without having to take a final exam, except for the Professional courses, where there is a final exam, and you receive a Diploma, which has a Level II Diploma.
– For our Language courses, we issue a Certificate of Attendance. The school is recognized by the University of Siena as a CILS exam center, both in Florence and Merano. If you are interested in the CILS diploma, we have an individual exam preparation course at an affordable price. You can find information here.
– For Professional courses a Level II Diploma is obtained. This legally recognized certificate attests to a proven ability in the art studied in the course – photography, videography, graphic illustration or web writing. Because it’s a legal certificate, it can be used in any sector of the Italian legal system when needed. Abroad, its value allows you to request the equivalence title of a photographer, videographer, graphic designer and web master, and enables access to the same opportunities offered by that particular foreign country to its own citizens.
– As for job contacts, Centro Italiano offers trainee internships in companies within the sector, such as advertising agencies, commercial printers, publishing houses, photographic studios etc. This consists of participating in an unpaid training internship. We provide for the opening of an INAIL position, and for the drafting of a contract between the trainee and the host company, through a training agency. The host company provides a tutor figure and offers the participant a training program, which includes a job description and hours, as indicated in the employment contract. The duration is optional, however we recommend following the internship for at least 3 months, with at least 4-6 hours per day, from Monday to Friday. The set-up costs are borne by the trainee. This comes to around 150 euros, for a 3 month period, with 4-6 working hours per day.
A short FAQ on certificates:
I am looking for a school that can offer me a recognized diploma in photography, graphics, videography and web design. Can I obtain a professional legal certificate from Centro Italiano?
Photography, graphics, videography and website writing are not professions or arts legally recognized in Italy. That is to say, that the profession of photographer, videomaker, graphic designer or web master does not formally exist. These activities are simply not covered by the Italian legal system, unlike what happens abroad – see below text.
Before talking about titles, recognized or not, we should clarify that the photographer, graphic designer or video maker are considered in Italy in the same category as artisans, and as such they can enroll and carry out their “job” in the same way as a carpenter or house painter.
Once this fundamental point has been understood, it’s easy to understand that it would be illusory to offer a diploma or recognized certificate attesting the qualification of photographer, videographer, graphic designer or web master, because, very simply, in Italy those qualifications do not exist.
So? What exactly does Centro Italiano offer?
Centro Italiano is recognized by the Ministry of Education with specific acknowledgement number 19071/C20 dated 3rd December 2004, and is registered with the Florence Chamber of Commerce in the business register under REA number 595727. VAT number: 06047480485.
Its Photography courses are recognized as educational activities by the Tuscan Regional School Office (formerly Provveditorato) and by the Revenue Agency, through a declaration dated 30th March 2011.
These acknowledgements offer the opportunity to take advantage of educational credits from the Tuscan Regional Authority, and financing from the province of Florence, called Carta Ila, if available. There is also the chance to participate in training and professional educational programs within the Erasmus Plus project. The PIC number of our Center, for participation in Erasmus+ projects, is 925091038.
Our certificate is defined as a Category 2 Diploma, as it is issued by a private school recognized by public bodies.
So, what qualification do I get after completing my studies at Centro Italiano?
– the professions of photographer, graphic designer, videographer and web master are not recognized by the Italian legal system;
– there is no Italian Diploma-Degree-Masters that can qualify an Italian citizen as a photographer-videomaker-graphic designer-web master;
– since there are no professional registers of these arts, there is also no obligation to possess a 1st or 2nd level Diploma to practice them;
However, Centro Italiano issues, by law, recognized certificates, which attest to a proven ability in the art covered by the course – photography, videography, graphic illustration, writing for the web. Since these certificates are legal, they can be used in any sector of the Italian system, where the need arises.
What about abroad?
All the more reason our qualifications can be used to request equivalence with foreign qualifications. Precisely because of that fact that in Italy certain professions do not formally exist, that on the other hand are recognized abroad by law, the certificate issued by Centro Italiano enables you to request the equivalence of the title of photographer, videographer, graphic designer and web master abroad, and lets you access the same opportunities offered by that particular foreign country to its own citizens.