Internet & WiFi
You can’t communicate effectively, or study well, without a good wi-fi connection. However, during your stay in Florence, this won’t be a problem.
At school
Centro Italiano has a fast wi-fi connection in all classrooms, always available to students, even after class time.
At home
Also in our apartments, and family houses, wi-fi is always available, free, fast and always turned on.
In the city
Throughout Florence it’s easy to find bars, libraries, cafes and clubs that make free wi-fi available to all their clients.
In the city center, there is a free connection made available to all citizens and visitors (“Firenze WIFI”). The connection is provided by the Municipality of Florence, and internet browsing is allowed up to 500MB per day, per device, under the user’s responsibility regarding correct use.
How to access Firenze WiFi:
- Connect to the network called FirenzeWiFi
- If the browser does not open automatically,
- Open a browser and type in an http address
- (NOT Google, but or
- Click on the green “Naviga Libero/Free Internet” button to enable browsing.